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Class 3

Welcome to the Class 3 page!

This is where you will find out all about our learning and other important information regarding Year 3. 

The Class Teacher is Miss Sweeney.

The class is taught by Mrs Holdak on Thursday afternoons.

We are supported by Mrs BK (Kandasamy), Mrs Holdak and Mrs Day.


Homework will be given out by on Friday and will be due back in on a Wednesday. Homework this term will consist of choosing one activity to complete from the Spring 1 - Homework Subject Grid and working through the questions from the Schofield & Sims Maths book (completing one test page), over the course of 2 weeks, fortnightly.  In addition to this, spellings and times tables practice should be carried out on a weekly basis.  We strongly recommend the use of the Sir Linkalot and Times Tables Rockstars websites to further support these areas. We are expected to spend an hour and a half on our homework (in total) each week. 

Please also remember to read regularly in addition to your homework!


The class will have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday, we will begin this term by improving our handball skills and playing rounders.  Then next term, we will get the opportunity to play tennis and practise athletics.  As we enter summer, and the weather starts to become warmer we shall also take to the waters and move on to swimming.   It is advisable that PE kits remain in school during the term time.  Please make sure you have full, outdoor PE kit on both of these days and you are prepared for being outside in warmer weather. Please leave earrings at home on PE days and tie up your hair.  It is also highly advisable that carrier bags are included in the children's PE kits, so that any muddy trainers or socks can be stored away in these. 


We shall commence our day by carrying out the 'Daily Mile', spend majority of break times and some parts of other curriculum lessons outside on the playground or field (where weather permits), which after spring and summer showers can get very muddy!  It is therefore strongly advised that the children bring in a named pair of Wellington boots in a carrier bag, so they are able to comfortably enjoy this outdoor space and have a raincoat in school at all times.

Curriculum and Learning

Please see the curriculum subject pages and the documents below.