Each child will be given a Schofield and Simms Mental Arithmetic book. Please complete one test each week. This is a brilliant way to practice their Maths fluency skills.
In Term 3, I will give the children individual logins to TimesTableRockstars to practice their 2, 5 and 10 times tables at home.
We follow the scheme SirLinkalot for spellings. Class 2 will be working on all the level 1 words to begin with and progress each fortnight or once your child has mastered that spelling list. There is a test at the end of each set so please test your child and let me know their scores. I will also test in class on a weekly basis.
To access the programme:
Type in the browser:
Login username - Chevening
Code - EB37A2DRM9Y
It is vital that your child reads each day. Little and often is best - a page or two is better than nothing. We will change books 3 times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
From Term 4, the children will have a Reading Comprehension activity to complete each week to help them practice their retrieval and inference skills.