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Class 5


Welcome to the Class 5 page!

This is where you will find out all about our learning and other important information regarding Year 5. 

The Class Teacher is Miss Sweeney.

The class is taught by Mrs Holdak on Thursday afternoons.

We are supported by Mrs Burton, Mrs Holdak, Mrs BK (Kandasamy), and Mrs Day.


Homework will be given out on Fridays and will be due back in on a Wednesday

Maths - each week, please complete one Schofield and Sims test. 

Also, please spend some time learning or practising times tables with their corresponding division facts (using Times Tables Rockstars).  The consolidation of these will after all help in all other areas of Maths and when tackling more complicated mathematical concepts. 

Spelling - every child has a spelling journal, in which over the course of the week they collect their own individual spelling words.  This is a book which should travel in and out of school on a daily basis, so words can be regularly practised both at school and home.  You may also want to choose a couple from the Y5 and Y6 spelling list below to learn.  

Reading - we are expected to read a little every night.  You may wish to keep a record of your own personal 'reading journeys' in your Reading Records.  Please find a list of recommended reads, below.

Topic Grid - Our other homework is to choose an activity from the topic grid. It may take a couple of weeks to complete an activity, please hand this in once it is finished.

It is recommended that we spend two and a half hours of time on homework, each week.


The class will have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday, we will begin this term by improving our tag-rugby skills and playing hockey.  Then next term, we will be focusing on our basketball skills and dance.  It is advisable that PE kits remain in school during the term time.  Please make sure you have full, outdoor PE kit on both of these days and you are prepared for being outside in colder weather. Please leave earrings at home on PE days and tie up your hair.  It is also highly advisable that carrier bags are included in the children's PE kits, so that any muddy trainers or socks can be stored away in these.  


We shall commence our day by carrying out the 'Daily Mile', spend majority of break times and some parts of other curriculum lessons outside on the playground or field (where weather permits), which after autumnal and winter showers, can get very muddy!  It is therefore strongly advised that the children bring in a named pair of Wellington boots in a carrier bag, so they are able to comfortably enjoy this outdoor space and have a raincoat in school at all times.

Curriculum and Learning

Please see the curriculum subject pages and links to documents below.

Spelling Word List Y5-6

(Link to download from external Oxford Owls website) 

Year 5 Recommended Reads Poster

(Link to download from external Books for Topics website)