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Class 6

Welcome to Class 6

Our Class Teachers are Mrs McLean (Monday - Wednesday) and Mrs Wilde (Thursday and Friday)

Our Teaching Assitant is Mrs Day 

Homework will be given out on Fridays and will be due back in on Wednesdays. This will consist of a page of Maths, An English Grammar exercise, a reading comprehension and Times Tables Rockstars. Over the course of each term we will also be setting a project based piece of homework. This will need to be completed across a six week period of time. 

Reading is still a very important activity and we should all be aiming to read for at least 20 minutes each day                                        

Please make sure you have a coat in every day - the weather can be very changeable!

Our PE days are Thursday and Friday, but please make sure that you have full PE kit in school every day, including appropriate footwear. As the weather grows colder, please have a jumper to wear for PE and perhaps tracksuit bottoms as we will be outside for at least one of our PE lessons each week.